CE Marking
As from July 2014, BS EN 1090 certification became a legal requirement for structural steelwork fabrication companies who manufacture and sell steel and aluminium structures and structural products within the EU.
The requirements of BS EN 1090 ensure that appropriate controls are in place at every stage of the manufacturing process. The standard embraces all processes from the procurement of raw materials through to final inspection and testing of structural products. Verification of compliance includes such areas as: material certification analysis, testing and storage, staff training, testing and qualification, equipment calibration, consumable certification and control, quality control and testing of product, control of records and documents, including control off issue, product identification and marking, and internal audit control of non conforming product.
BS EN 1090 sets out four Execution Classes (EXC’s) based on the end use of the structure and how critical it would be if it failed. At Helm-X we are certfied up to and including Execution Class 2, which covers all aggricultural, residential, and commercial structures.
To gain certification, we had to carry out initial type-testing of our products, implement a Factory Production Control (FPC), appoint a responsible welding coordinator (RWC), implement a welding quality management system and further laboratory testing of samples in accordance with our FPC.
We then had our factory inspected, our welders tested, and our FPC checked for compliance by notified body BM TRADA, who have passed us and issued us with our certificate for the standard at Execution Class 2. In addtion to being a legal requirement in the industry, CE marking gives a further guarrantee and assurance of quality for our client’s structural steelwork requirements.
November 12, 2015 3:23 pm